Dr. Venkatesh T K's cardiology clinic in Bannerghatta provides exceptional heart care. We ensure optimal heart health by offering modern treatments, preventive medicine, and compassionate care. Our clinic is equipped with the latest medical technology to diagnose and treat various cardiovascular conditions accurately and effectively. Dr. Venkatesh T K and his team of experienced cardiologists are dedicated to delivering personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs. We emphasize preventive measures to maintain heart health and provide advanced treatments for complex cardiac issues
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Visit our esteemed hospital in Bangalore for angioplasty surgery and experience our exceptional heart treatment. Our team, led by the renowned cardiologist Dr. Venkatesh T K, performs highly successful, minimally invasive angioplasty operations. Our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced medical technology ensure precise and effective procedures, while our patient-centric approach guarantees personalized care and support throughout your treatment journey. We are committed to providing the highest quality cardiac care, from initial consultation to post-operative follow-up. Make an appointmen